Go away, batin!


That Dairy State

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Sensationalism's News

Posted by Sensationalism - May 4th, 2009

My room is becoming mine. My sister moved into another room maybe a month ago. I just finished getting the last of her stuff out of my room yesterday and I got rid of my bed because I wanted to sleep with just my mattress on the floor. I did some vacuuming and moved some shit around. Ha, my room looks bigger now. :D

I took my drawings and stuff off the wall because I wanted to get them laminated (since it's cheaper than getting frames) so my walls are a bit bare now. And I can't paint them for a while yet. But my things are better organised and it's nice not having a bunch of clutter. Also, I really hate knick-knacks.

While cleaning my room, I found some Mr. Yuk stickers. And I've decided what I'm going to do with them. I am going to go to a grocery store and stick them on various pork products. I think it will be funny. That's the kind of shit this asshole vegan does, haha. With swine flu and everything, I'm betting a few idiots will be freaked out and won't buy them.

I am going to start making my own bread. Which feels cool because I already grow some of my own fruits and veggies and herbs.

Once I get my camera back, I might include a picture of my room for the hell of it.

PMs are a go.


Posted by Sensationalism - April 22nd, 2009

Happy Earth Day!!!

Wow, I really love that someone else has the same problem with school lunches that I do. I about jizzed in my pants when I started reading the bit about bringing healthy food to our schools. It brought up the same points I do when I complain about it. So that got me all excited and now I'm all up in the Earth Day website.

And oh man did I look like a hippie today. Greasy hair, peace sign shirt, and my decorated hippie jeans. Lol.

Fucking Earth Day


Posted by Sensationalism - April 4th, 2009

Someone closed my firefox before I posted this. So I had to do it twice, first one was better. Damn them to hell!!

Risbolla is totally the coolest user ever. He's super smart and totally hilarious and I love him!! You should all be aware of his greatness and envious of it because nobody can even try to be like him, he's simply the best.

Bow down and worship here.

rizzy busy yo


Posted by Sensationalism - March 24th, 2009

Is my buddy.

I'm entering the sketchbook tour (If I get in) Which should be a blast. I Expect everyone out there too as well.

maximuspower's refined version of Dress Up Sir Tom 93 is complete. Can't wait to see it in 13 days.



Posted by Sensationalism - February 22nd, 2009

I enjoy watching kid's shows. Like It's A Big Big World, Arthur, Word World, etc.

I am going to school to become a teacher. For the kiddies!!!

I love green tea. My drinks of choice are water, green tea, or vanilla soymilk. Unless we're talking alcohol, then I pick rum, preferably spiced. I'm not that fond of alcohol or being drunk though.

Panic At The Disco is one of my favourite bands. Please make fun of me for that.

I'm vegan. If you didn't notice that already, haha. Ejit is my favourite vegan on this site. And no, I'm not a militant vegan and I don't shove my beliefs down people's throats. Unless they ask me too :P

My favourite colours are black, green, and hot pink. I love drawing rainbows, peace signs, flowers, trees, stuff like that and then putting em up in my room. I make some pretty cool hemp jewelry. Well, I like it anyway.

My favourite season is spring. I love seeing all the green outside and it's like a new beginning where everything is blossoming and growing.

I have Annual Ice Walks on the river I live next to.

I have three birds. A cockatiel, a canary, and a parakeet.

Wanna know more? Ask.

A little about me


Posted by Sensationalism - February 9th, 2009

I'm a stoner and I don't do drugs. lol.

I feel like doing a bunch of stuff right now, but I think that's just the manic side of my bipolar bullshit kicking in. Because I'm only on my anti-anxiety medication right now. I hate taking meds every fucking day. I've got a huge stack of video games I plan on playing tonight, plus some homework, and cleaning my computer desk, and then maybe my room. I'll bet a good $5 I won't even finish the video games.

I just choked on my lemonade. Yuck.

I'm currently defacing the dollar bill.

If I don't have a job by the end of the week, I'm going to go nuts. That reminds me, I have a big fine at the library and a book I can't find for the life of me.

I need to lighten my roots so I can dye my hair fuchsia again. Too bad I don't have any money, eh. Being jobless really sucks. I have no money and nothing to do during the day. Eh, I guess I'll just spend my time finishing my homework early until I find a job.

I've only applied to one place so far, and she said they're not even hiring right now when Ipicked up the application. That really sounds promising. Also, April's coming up. I need to have money for the lovely holiday that falls in that month. And then there's that Montreal Meet-up I want to attend. I can't even go to get my passport until March, and that's only if I find a job in February. I'm running out of time.

/* */

The weather today is slightly manic with a good chance of A. disappointment or B. accomplishment


Posted by Sensationalism - February 5th, 2009

Bonnie Hunt!

My brain is just a jellyfish in the ocean of my head
'Cause I drank too much tequila and I woke up seein' red
Now all I really want from life is to crawl back into bed
On account that my brain is just a jellyfish in the ocean of my head

There, picture of Bonnie. You bitches.

I heart


Posted by Sensationalism - September 9th, 2008

Usually my bird is a pleasant little angel. Sometimes my bird is in a bad mood. He gets angry. Well, one day he was in a terrible mood; very angry. I went over to his cage to uncover him or open his door or something and do you know what he said to me? He said "Fuck you!" While he'd never said that before, I wasn't completely surprised because I'm sure he's heard it plenty. He hasn't said it since then I think partly because he wasn't fond of the words and partly because he hasn't been that angry.

His favourite word used to be "hello", then it was "pretty bird" and stuff like that, then it was "how are you". The last one he learned more recently. He'll say "How are you" and I'll say "Pretty good. How are you?" and then he'll say "Pretty good" He likes saying "how are you" though. He knows a bunch of words and stuff. The only thing I don't like is sometimes he's using his talking voice and saying something but I can't understand what because it isn't very clear. Oh well.

He also knows a shit ton of different whistles because he's awesome like that. One time, we were sitting outside together listening to other birds, and we heard this one bird that made sort of a rolling "r" sound. He perked up, listened to it for a bit, and then started imitating it right away! So mow we'll call to each other like that sometimes, it's fun.

While I'm on the subject of bragging about my baby boy, I'd like to mention what he does after he flies, when he lands. He'll call out and sometimes I'll say "where are you" and he'll keep doing that until I find him, say "there you are!" and pick him up. It was cool and all until he flew into a pine tree near the upper middle of it and sat there waiting for me to get him. I was completely unable to reach him and was sort of panicking. Finally I got a ladder and a broomstick because I couldn't reach him with just the ladder. I held up the broomstick for him to perch on and then brought him down and held him to my chest. Ugh, I was so relieved.

I love that he's brave as hell. Mess with him, and you'll get hurt. If my dog annoys him, he walks right up to her and bites her on the nose, or flies at her and chases her away. They get along half the time, but I just love that he doesn't let his physical size inhibit him in any way. He just goes up all brave and defends himself. I love that. He got that from his daddy. His parents were named Ringo and Queenie.

I'm stopping myself right here. I could write four books about him. Four books that nobody would read, lol.

Also, video. Is funny.

/* */


Posted by Sensationalism - August 29th, 2008

Ah, Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow.
Just lovely.



Posted by Sensationalism - August 9th, 2008


You have no idea...