My room is becoming mine. My sister moved into another room maybe a month ago. I just finished getting the last of her stuff out of my room yesterday and I got rid of my bed because I wanted to sleep with just my mattress on the floor. I did some vacuuming and moved some shit around. Ha, my room looks bigger now. :D
I took my drawings and stuff off the wall because I wanted to get them laminated (since it's cheaper than getting frames) so my walls are a bit bare now. And I can't paint them for a while yet. But my things are better organised and it's nice not having a bunch of clutter. Also, I really hate knick-knacks.
While cleaning my room, I found some Mr. Yuk stickers. And I've decided what I'm going to do with them. I am going to go to a grocery store and stick them on various pork products. I think it will be funny. That's the kind of shit this asshole vegan does, haha. With swine flu and everything, I'm betting a few idiots will be freaked out and won't buy them.
I am going to start making my own bread. Which feels cool because I already grow some of my own fruits and veggies and herbs.
Once I get my camera back, I might include a picture of my room for the hell of it.
PMs are a go.