I enjoy watching kid's shows. Like It's A Big Big World, Arthur, Word World, etc.
I am going to school to become a teacher. For the kiddies!!!
I love green tea. My drinks of choice are water, green tea, or vanilla soymilk. Unless we're talking alcohol, then I pick rum, preferably spiced. I'm not that fond of alcohol or being drunk though.
Panic At The Disco is one of my favourite bands. Please make fun of me for that.
I'm vegan. If you didn't notice that already, haha. Ejit is my favourite vegan on this site. And no, I'm not a militant vegan and I don't shove my beliefs down people's throats. Unless they ask me too :P
My favourite colours are black, green, and hot pink. I love drawing rainbows, peace signs, flowers, trees, stuff like that and then putting em up in my room. I make some pretty cool hemp jewelry. Well, I like it anyway.
My favourite season is spring. I love seeing all the green outside and it's like a new beginning where everything is blossoming and growing.
I have Annual Ice Walks on the river I live next to.
I have three birds. A cockatiel, a canary, and a parakeet.
Wanna know more? Ask.
Do you have the "urge" to eat meat sometimes?
I want to become a vegetarian one day, despite loving the taste of meat. I think it'll be worth it...
Never. I was having a vegan chicken flavoured noodle soup once and it tastes like real chicken. I started gagging and gave it to my sister, haha. I'm sure fake meat would take care of any cravings though. Some is better than others.
I switched over pretty gradually and wasn't particularly fond of meat to begin with. If/when you decide to do it, you can use me as a resource! Also, there's a vegetarian club on NG if you're interested!!