haha, I gotta get out more. But I do appreciate the outside and awesome spring/summer weather.
Winter just makes you wanna curl up in blankets and stay inside all day.
Also, I'm sorry, but I'm not a vegan :P
Go away, batin!
That Dairy State
Joined on 8/27/06
haha, I gotta get out more. But I do appreciate the outside and awesome spring/summer weather.
Winter just makes you wanna curl up in blankets and stay inside all day.
Also, I'm sorry, but I'm not a vegan :P
Yeah, winter does tend to do that. Especially when the temperature is in the negatives!
Eh, you non-vegan people are pretty cool anyway.
I want that tree in my backyard.
Me too. I'd fuck it every night. What?
id laugh at you but i dont make fun of friends <3
Awww, I just wanna give you big hug!
Is your Parakeet a "kewl dewd"?
No, she's a lady. Her name is Harley Quinn after the Joker's girlfriend. I also considered naming her Shawn Johnson because she looks like a gymnast or acrobat some of the time, haha.
I wasn't talking about my vagina :(
Well then you're going to have to be more blunt, because obviously I don't get subtleties. <3
Do you use MSN by chance?
Yeah, I'm usually on a few times during the week. jinkysjoke@hotmail.com
Awesome, added.
More of an AIM person I take it?
For a while, I went on msn more than aim. And for a while I went on aim more than msn. Now I'm on them pretty equally. But I used to be on every day and now I go on way less than I used to. It distracts me too much if I'm trying to do homework. Newgrounds does too, but I'm in denial about that detracting from my work time, haha.
Heh. That's a good one
What is? My response to your earlier comment on this news post?
Thanks then. <33
...you are such a hippie...
Why does everyone call me that?!
k, thx, bai bai
Filthy bastard.
You like Panic at the Disco?... And I thought you were a cool vegan...
The coolest one you'll ever have the privilege of not meeting!
And also, I used to have a Cockatiel and it'd never ever shut up!
Maybe because it wanted your love and attention but you ignored it. Mine screams if I ignore it.
I like P!AtD, too. High Five!
OMg man, we're like twins!!! *high fives*
Yeah!!!!! :D
I love your username. A lot.
Well thank you. It was very nearly Sensationalist, but I went with ism so not as to claim that I am a sensationalist.
How is your username pronounced?
Just FYI, I really am going to buy a top hat and wear it around. Everywhere.
Just FYI, I really seriously find that to be a huge turn-on.
This guy is A-OK in my books.
Yay!! Acceptance!
No, I just thought I should say it
You should say you'll sell me some weed.
I'll sell you some weed
Fuck yes!!!
I'll take an eighth please.
you're also adorable.
my bird died :(
Awww...that's sad! How'd that happen? Sorry to hear it D: *hugs*
No, I don't talk funny.
Y'all are the ones that talk funny.
I talk perfectly normal dontcha know