Go away, batin!


That Dairy State

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Fuck you.

Posted by Sensationalism - September 9th, 2008

Usually my bird is a pleasant little angel. Sometimes my bird is in a bad mood. He gets angry. Well, one day he was in a terrible mood; very angry. I went over to his cage to uncover him or open his door or something and do you know what he said to me? He said "Fuck you!" While he'd never said that before, I wasn't completely surprised because I'm sure he's heard it plenty. He hasn't said it since then I think partly because he wasn't fond of the words and partly because he hasn't been that angry.

His favourite word used to be "hello", then it was "pretty bird" and stuff like that, then it was "how are you". The last one he learned more recently. He'll say "How are you" and I'll say "Pretty good. How are you?" and then he'll say "Pretty good" He likes saying "how are you" though. He knows a bunch of words and stuff. The only thing I don't like is sometimes he's using his talking voice and saying something but I can't understand what because it isn't very clear. Oh well.

He also knows a shit ton of different whistles because he's awesome like that. One time, we were sitting outside together listening to other birds, and we heard this one bird that made sort of a rolling "r" sound. He perked up, listened to it for a bit, and then started imitating it right away! So mow we'll call to each other like that sometimes, it's fun.

While I'm on the subject of bragging about my baby boy, I'd like to mention what he does after he flies, when he lands. He'll call out and sometimes I'll say "where are you" and he'll keep doing that until I find him, say "there you are!" and pick him up. It was cool and all until he flew into a pine tree near the upper middle of it and sat there waiting for me to get him. I was completely unable to reach him and was sort of panicking. Finally I got a ladder and a broomstick because I couldn't reach him with just the ladder. I held up the broomstick for him to perch on and then brought him down and held him to my chest. Ugh, I was so relieved.

I love that he's brave as hell. Mess with him, and you'll get hurt. If my dog annoys him, he walks right up to her and bites her on the nose, or flies at her and chases her away. They get along half the time, but I just love that he doesn't let his physical size inhibit him in any way. He just goes up all brave and defends himself. I love that. He got that from his daddy. His parents were named Ringo and Queenie.

I'm stopping myself right here. I could write four books about him. Four books that nobody would read, lol.

Also, video. Is funny.

/* */



Does he poop when he fly's?

He actually hasn't, but it's not like he flies for a significant part of the day. He did poop on another kid's foot. That was funny.

What kind of bird do you have? I mean I guess it's a kind of parrot since it talks. Is it one of those huge parrots? Like the size of a forearm, with a huge strong beak?

I <3 birds. My wife doesn't..she's afraid of getting pooped on..but tell me more :) I want to read these books about a parrot!

Lol. He's a cockatiel, not one of those huge birds. I wouldn't mind having a macaw or a cockatoo though. It'd be afraid of getting bitten by one of those, my bird's only drawn blood once.

I love birds too! I got mine from my aunt because she bred the two of hers. All of his sisters are white and yellow like their dad and all of his brothers are grey with white spots on their heads. My bird's 12 now.

Hahaha, sounds like you have the perfect pet for you.

Yeah, we get along quite well.

Holy crap, every comment you've gotten was at in the 5 PM block, even on different days. Weird.

Umm..I just wanted that known during the 5pm block so I don't fuck up the ritual. We have a routine going now! See you again at 5! :D

Wow, that's interesting. Good eye, you've got there.

So I'm breaking the mold, but I need to ask: What did you want for Christmas? You're on the nice list this year! Good job!

Hurray I did it! I would like lots of books. Thanks Santa! Also, please don't break the mold again. We've got to stick with the 5 pm block, people.

Hello, just thought I'd stop by and say hi :)

umm..what's up?

Hey, man! Thanks for visiting. I've developed an addiction to root beer. Go me!

That video was the Chicken Wing...it's disturbingly male :(

But it's funneh!

How are you?

It is funny. I'm gooooooood.

You are now my newgrounds buddy. (:

Awesome. When do we get to do it?

after the wedding

Good enough. Hey babyy

LOL to the guy above me

oh and you know complete the guy who makes stories can you tell me what his old ng account name was

I don't believe I'm at liberty to say, sorry. If you can't get him to tell you, don't come asking me.

Moar bird stories!@#!@#

I actaully am not that fond of the word "moar" but sometimes I guess it fits :P

I'm sorry.

Tell me you didn't write that on everyone's page.

Hi, hows it going?

And as for cast, yeah, he does go around saying that on people's userpage. Kinda like saying "<Insert User Name> was here>.

Great, thanks. Nice to see you :3

Huh. At least that's slightly more creative than just "cast was here" lol.

i dident read it and i dont no much bout birds but tel me what it is about the simple way.

oh and u have violance lol that was funny ur verry funny lol

Basically, my bird said "Fuck you" to me one day when he was angry. Then I probably rambled on about him.

I like you, you're cool. I think I added you to my aim.

what is fuck? what the fuck am i? that explains 'it all

It certainly does.


You take your bird outside? You're not worried that he might fly away?

He won't. He's flown around the house before just to fly, but he always went right back to his cage or playpen. Since that time he got stuck in a tree, I've been too afraid to let him out unless he's inside his cage with the door closed.


Also, I'm fucking addicted to Ice cream sammiches.

Those things were great! I have fond memories of eating ice cream sandwiches and watching Cops with my parents while underneath a soft blanket with pictures of horses on it.

I had a canary once. My room is sorta dark...well, I feel like birds need a a happy, friendly free environment to thrive which I could not provide. I also had the feeling that he was never content and when the day I found him dead it looked like he had thrown a huge fit.

I love birds (well, I love all animals) but I never got another one after that. I might get one some day when I move out and can provide an area in the house that has sunshie and fresh air.

Aww...I love you for loving animals! I've got a canary right now. His name is Phoenix and he loves eating apples and stuff. One day I saved his life because he almost bled to death and went into shock. I think that makes up for the time when I was about three and killed a canary by snapping its neck. I was trying to help it drink from a cup because I never saw it drink any water. I came back a bit later and asked where the thing was. Now I'm sad.

Birds are my favourite!

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