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That Dairy State

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Aww gee, I love you guys!!

Posted by Sensationalism - September 8th, 2009

This is like a like/love/admire & what I think of people list. My memory is shit, seriously, so I may have left people out. Actually I know I've left people out because there were some I was just too lazy to include. So if you think I left you or someone else out let me know please and I may include you/them.

I look forward to getting to know more of you in the future and to learning more about those of you I already know. For those of you that I talk to, I value our friendship and convos. :D

This is in order. Alphabetical order. But Maximus is first, for obvious reasons. And L-C is above you all too. :P Leave comments please!

<3- Sen

Maximus- Knows my deepest, darkest secrets, cool guy, great to talk to, introduces me to new music. Makes awesome sigs, is my corpse Bride, I love talking to him. Also he better be honest from now on. And he totally shouldn't worry about what others think of him. He's awesome anyway. I love this guy to death!

Lost-Chances- Dark and brooding lad with a sexy British accent. Fun to talk with, has way too many posts. Degu Degu Degu. Drinks too much :P He's funny, awesome, can sing...kinda :P and is intelligent and responsible. And if he disagrees with any of that he can go suck a fuck. I like him very much. Dude's cool enough to have his own catch phrase.

AlphaCentauri- awesome dude, friendly, makes greats threads and posts, awesome name and awesome sig. Those NG field trip buddy threads were probably my very favourite of his threads because they were so much fun! Like seriously, I think he's one of the coolest people on NG.

AngryBanana- Very funny. Pretty easy-going and affable. Is intelligent and thinks about his actions. Is in a couple of the same clubs as I am, so that's cool.

Agustana- awesome bedroom, she's my bbs lil sis, and she likes Fight Club, so obviously that makes her cool.

Bacchanalian- Whenever I see that dude, I expect him to say something intelligent. I like reading his posts for that reason.

Brass- Has awesome taste in movies. Slater's awesome yay. Chris kinda reminds me of this kid I knew. Also he's got awesome ideas and draws cool stuff. Oh and he and Max are the same person. How one lives in CA and the other in Australia, I don't know.

Burnzoid- I like his username. Sam's a cool dude and he's funny and interesting. I don't talk to him because he intimidates me with his awesomeness. But he's cool and I like that he stands up for himself rather than bowing to authority.

CapnCrunchDaPimp- Seth is awesome. We used to talk and now we don't. The bastard. No, he's cool though. Probably too cool for people like me. But he's funny and has good posts. And a lot of posts. And he likes good tuneage.

Cast- Nice dude, bit strange, which only makes him cooler. Also makes sweet sigs and stuff.

Clock-Ninja- Cool dude, smokes weed. Thumbs up to that. Also a nice person who makes good contributions to topics.

D3ntatus/Clevernickname-He's vegetarian, so he's awesome. And he comes across as very intelligent. I'd say we go way back. We knew each other like back in 06 plus saying that sounds cool, so I'm going with it. He's a cool guy and very humorous as well. Has good taste in music.

Dobio- He's super sexy despite not being a girl. He is nice and intelligent and fun to talk with. And he's tall. Tall people are awesome.

Dogmeat- Awesome dude with a unique name. He's fun to talk to. Oh, and he's my sex slave. My train track sex slave %uF04A He is also good at sharing nice things and is totally fuckin hot, especially in a watch.

DruDru/WATCHurFLAG- He's cool and nice and cuuute.

Ejit- awesome, funny, witty, caring, thoughtful, and vegan. :-)

- Cool guy, pretty interesting (most of the time). Gets to go to DisneyLand like whenever, I think that's awesome. He also lives in a cool state and has nice hair.

EpicFail- Interesting, an individual, a deep thinker, a thoughtful and really nice person. Probably doesn't even realize just how very awesome he is. He's tall, too haha. And he's my Tom! I love you, man!

Evark- Incredibly intelligent, dorky, thoughtful, interesting, and nice. Can actually sing fairly well.

Fr0zenb14d3- I don't think you go on NG much, but you're on my list regardless. Dude is awesome as hell! I've talked to him an insane amount and I enjoy it because he's interesting and fun and nice and cool, and good to talk to. We watch the Olympics together, yo. Yeah, much love to this dude right here.

Frank-the-Hedgehog- Okay, so I partly just like him because he's vegan. But he's cool for other reasons too. Like, I like reading his posts and he has a cool sig.

Gagsy- Supah sexy chick with a sexy British accent. She's also an awesome person with a super cute nephew and an adorable dog.

Galatea1- Another fellow Wisconsinite. Had pet spider, which is super awesome. Has red hair, which is super sexy. Intelligent, level-headed, mature. Knows how to have fun and be silly and when to be serious. Quality poster who sticks to her beliefs and is very reasonable.

Gein- Dude hardly ever let me play WaveRunner back in the day! I love this kid despite him being a douchebag sometimes and giving out all my informations to random internet people. Dude's gonna get me kidnapped one day, I swear! Dude has great taste in music, can play the guitar like no other, and has one of the most awesome jewfros ever!! He's also funny and fun to hang out with. I wouldn't be on Newgrounds if it weren't for him.

Goonie- This dude is beyond awesome. He sent me a mic which was really nice of him and in return I took forever and a day to make him a necklace. He's a cool guy though and has a nice smile and his dog is cute, too. Oh and dude likes rocks, lol. No, that's cool. I especially like agate.

GreenSkullKid- Addie is awesome omg I remember talking to him one summer. I was so baked the entire time! But he was fun to talk to and he's a rather awesome dude! And his real name is pretty much the coolest name ever, I love it!

HAYF- He's hilarious, I've always loved his threads and posts.

IFUN- I've been admiring her self-made sigs since I signed up, she's a cool chick and is easy to talk to, and she's into bdsm. Yum! She also acts very mature for her age and her posts are consistently intelligent and well thought out.

Infinite-One- That's my lil bro right there! Great to talk to, full of positive vibes. Has a cute snake and awesome hair.

JadetheAssassin-She's a good artist. She's like cool all around. She's just like the embodiment of awesomeness. I could go on and on about why, but that would be redundant. Also, her cock is ginormous and powerful.

Jmaloun7- Jamie is an awesome dude. We don't talk much, but it is always pleasant when we do. He's very easy to get along with and very friendly.

Kuro- He's cool and was fun to talk with on paltalk (when I should have been sleeping) back in the day. Good times back in '06. Thanks for the insomnia, pal. I enjoyed every second of it.

Life-Stream- Cool name, and a cool guy. He is interesting and smart.

MagnustheRed- I miss talking to Maggie! Dayne was a pretty cool dude and we got along well. I look back fondly on our discussions as they were quite fun.

- He lives in WI now, so I can stalk him!! He's also fun to talk to and knows his anime.

- Cool guy, very likeable.

Minion777- Every post of his is gold. Or cherry pie. However you want to put it.

MissingNYC- Jayson is awesome, even if he is Venezuelan :P Dude's garden is totally awesome, I'm seriously jealous of it. He also has the most adorable daughter ever and an pretty awesome sounding job. It's just too bad they drug test. ;( I totally stalk this guy.

Morichax- Makes great cookies, can make awesome plushies, and is a total hottie. Man, I wish I could marry her!

Neverhundred- Cool guy. Intelligent & interesting. He's also quite weird, which is wonderful. I sort of e-stalk him. No I don't. His posts are fun to read because, well, that's just how cool he is. Oh, he and one guy I knew IRL have the best eyes ever. They should mate and then their baby would have such awesome eyes it'd be too awesome for this world.

Orange- He's my future husband and one hell of an awesome dude! (haha, remember that?) He's nice to talk to and he's uber smart. Yes, I said uber.

Oxymaniac- Fellow Wisconsinite, cool dude who is pretty funny. Nice fella.

Piss- Oh he's good fun. I like to chat. About nothing. With him.

Proottalfain- Cool guy, very intelligent, fun to talk to, sexay accent, awesome, funny.

Rebbay- We share many of the same interests, she's totally adorable, if I could marry her I would. Holy shit she can sing. She's very pretty. I've known her 4eva on NG and related stuff. Always thought she was awesome and has a cool username. <3 to Bo Burnham and Michael Cera! :D

Risbolla- Hilarious, really hilarious, intelligent, spams blog posts because he's awesome.

RKthrilla-Totally awesome dude, seriously everyone loves this guy!

- This bitch and I are gonna hang out and have an awesome time. He's funny and is nice to chat with.

Robotussin- He's a cutie! James Cass gets high with class. He's pretty much way cool and I adore him. Ha, he tolerates me calling him at 7 am high as fuck. I totally need to hang out with this dude sometime.

Rozner- Aah, Roz. I love this kid! He's nice to talk to and is a pretty cool dude. I'm glad he's still around because I enjoy talking to him.

Scarab- He has a cool name. He's intelligent and thoughtful. At first I just remembered him for liking girls covered in goo but he writes well and makes good and funny topics. He's a really good poster. Oh and his hair is red(ish?) which is totally hot.

- He started the vegetarian club which combined my two favourite things: Newgrounds and veganism. He's also a pretty cool guy, I just wish he was around more.

- smart, good poster, takes great pics, awesome snowboarder, monkey around the world was a cool idea. He was a cool dude; I wish we could have talked more.

Silver-Glint- She's intelligent and funny and doesn't put up with anyone's crap. I admire her for those things.

Sinitech- Motherfucker is hardcore. Seriously. He's got the stab wounds to prove it. AND HE'LL STAND RIGHT HERE IF HE FUCKIN WANTS TO. Also, needs to get a top hat.

SupraAddict- The guy's obsessed with cars. How lame is that? KIDDING! He's cool. He's an all-around quality user who is also friendly and approachable.

TacoFreak- Cool and funny but quiet.

- Hot redhead! I've totally got a mini crush on her. Also, her news posts are fun to read.

TehSlapHappy-Slappy is cute and likable and funny. He's easy to get along with and is very nice. He can be fun to talk to, can totally cure boredom.

- DeeDee is adorable. I love him. Oh dear, I really do love him. He is so adorable. He is nice to talk to. I said it already, but he's just sooo adorable, really!

TheBigLemon- He's awesome and interesting. Influenced my music tastes a bit back in the day. I'm glad we had what we did. It was fun.

TheSilverGuitar- Doesn't (or didn't?) eat meat and like birds...what's not to love? He's a good dude and I enjoy seeing him around and chatting with him.

Timmy- He has a cool name and he's a cool dude. Real down-to-Earth and friendly. He seems like the type that everyone likes or at least gets along with.

- Has cool experiences and is a cool dude.

- Very intelligent, is vegetarian for the environment, which is awesome, and goes geocaching which is pretty cool and a fun thing to do! She also gets to travel, and that's pretty rad. I admire her.

Twilight- He's the OMG BEST MOVIE EVER! Oh wait. What? That's old and unfunny? Well Twilight isn't. He's young and he's pretty funny and pretty cool. Kind of a twat sometimes though. :P Yes indeed.

- Cool dude, funny, writes entertaining bbs posts, intelligent, interesting, has the best name ever. Also, he's totally awesome for caring about the world and helping kids in Africa.

WilliWowza- I thought this dude was awesome since I signed up. Great flash like Headache Man. He's serious the most hilarious person ever and he's intelligent, has a sexay accent, and an adorable mug. His intelligence and wit are missed on the bbs.

Wreckages- he's cool and funny, we used to talk.

Wwwyzzerdd- Dude was awesome and HILARIOUS.

Yodd- Yoddtacos. Dude's cool. I was quite fond of him back when he was cool. Nah, he's still cool. Eh. Yah. A friend with weed is a friend indeed. He's one of the people on NG I'd totally love to smoke up with. I think he'd be pretty chill.

Zack- He's cool and is fun to talk to on occasion. Lol, what kind of loser lifts weights? :P He first caught my eye when I noticed his cool sigs. Dude's got style. Plus he can make some really hilarious threads.

- I've always loved how hilarious he was!

Aww gee, I love you guys!!



okay then.


Lmao how the eff did I forget you? Hold on.

Epicfail says he loves you.

I love him, too. :D

Alphabetical? Please, you just did that so I would be towards the top.

Thanks for being a friend, though!

Of course! I wouldn't have it any other way!

I originally had most of this written in a notebook, and at that stage it wasn't in any particular order, but you were towards the top then too. Which just means you're one of the first people I thought of when I started doing it.

No, thank you! <3

You should put me on there. You know why? Because I want to know what you think. :3

Sure, I'll do that. Not going to bother editing it until I find more I need to add though. Hell, I forgot my own brother. Oh well.

Hey Sen, how are you doing these days? Sorry we haven't really talked much :(

I'm pretty good.

It's not entirely your fault we talk less these days, it's my fault too. :'(
We'll talk when we can and it will be all good. :D

Yayyy :D

I can't believe you didn't even tell me about your name change!!
Of course you'd be on the list. <3

Will I ever get to go on there :3?

Only if you can PM me. :P

Maybe. If we interact more/often.

aw, sensationalism doesnt like me :(

More like he doesn't know you. :(

You're fucking welcome newgrounds

Anyone who hates me can just blame you. :P

You have more internet friends than I have had real-life and internet friends in my entire life combined.

And these are just people you know from NG.


Also, no top hat. Ever. I've given up. Fucking things are impossible.

I wish they were all my friends.

Haha, most people I know are from NG. If I did a list for irl people, it'd likely be shorter.

Awww. Yeah the only ones I can ever find are way expensive. :*(

Hah, thanks for the grin. <3

Thanks for being awesome. <3


You should be on there, haha. I'll add you later.

Le ignored. Though tis k. Not sure we've really talked one on one much. :P

Just means I need to get to know you better. ;-)

"Dude" - 31 matches. Lmao.

Holy shit, I used dude a lot! Don't even realise I use it that much. I know I say "awesome" a lot. Wow.

also go on MSN please


can i b's ur friend?


I tried to send you a pm, but all my effort was wasted by the fact that your inbox is full :'(.

Hahaha I know!!

Sorry, that was a bit mean. :P

b'aww :3

we should talk more, here's my number

Thanks, I'll call right away.

I think everyone misses WilliWowza... :(

He was like Jesus.

bastard lc... lol.. im only venezuelan by birth you know :P


It's okay, I still love you!!

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