And I am acting silly
Go away, batin!
That Dairy State
Joined on 8/27/06
I agree with Oliver.
Drink real alcohol and become a wife beater, pussy.
First I need a wife ;_;
You always seem to be acting silly.
To be told that by YOU of all people is just astonishing! :P But thanks.
Get baked and drunk, then have fun on the BBS. :D
Aww but then I do stupid shit on the bbs!
...So I bought this wine bottle for nothing? Thanks a lot jerk.
Wine comes in a bottle? Shit, I thought it only came in boxes!! :P XD
Pssshht I bet it takes two. Because I'm not 12 YEARS OLD.
and what is this?
I'm a lightweight :P
Yeah you sure are. So tipsy you forget which account you are on! XD
So you come down to our level, what's the worst that could happen? :3
Ohh you don't wanna know!
WHAT! Me act silly! That's just absurd. :P
You're one of my favourite oddities of Newgrounds! <3
Drink beer.
Act crazy.
Lol reminds me of that BEER! song by psychostik.
If NeverHundred is but ONE of your favorites, who is your favorite?
Multiple people :P
Pfft, you know it's me.
Yep, you're one.
I want you... you hear me Sensationalism?! I WANT YOU!
And if I cant have you... then NO ONE ELSE CAN...
oh lawdy.
My friend and I once split 3 bottles between the two of us, one fine evening down in Miama.
And we were acting dangerously intoxicated.
You each had your own bottle and then some! That is CRAZY man, crazy.
A lot of people want her
wtf my profile says male :P
Two glasses of wine and you take on a willy
Probably true.
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Try 24 servings some time. Competitively. Plus smoking. Best recipe for vomiting my brains out I've ever discovered.
I'd skip the vomiting and go straight to dying. Woah man, woah.
Good night?
Wasn't me.
Just kidding, I hate you and your birds.
Wine is terrible...
What do you suggest?