Happy New Year, bitchezz!!!
2020 was an unforgettable year.
I got like a beautiful month or two off of work but got bored, drank a bunch and gained weight during quarantine (not much, but nooooo)
I GOT FUCKING MARRIED!!! The nice thing about Covid was that we could have our court meetings for the paperwork and stuff done online instead of going to the building. Another nice thing was that instead of getting married at the courthouse as planned, we got married in the Judge's beautiful backyard surrounded by a bunch of plants her husband had put out on her deck. She was awesome, I loved her. I actually chose her because I recognized her name, as I'd previously voted for her.
But the bad thing about Covid was that our party for our wedding had to be canceled AFTER spending money and sending out all the invites. So, that sucked. I don't know if we'll have to wait til 2021 or 2022 to have our party and go on our Honeymoon, but I hope it's not any longer than that!
I almost bought a sweet house, but that didn't work out. It sold right after we got approved for our loan and for quite a bit more than the asking price. We weren't quite ready to buy a house but this particular one was in an area we wanted and was quite nice for the price. It had a nice big yard, too. I was really into it so I decided to just go for it and see what would happen. It's probably for the best. Just means I'll have even more money saved up when we do buy a house.
I got a new job closer to my home making more money. This was similar to the house thing in that I wasn't really UNHAPPY with my job, but I saw a post and decided to just apply and see what happened. I like it a lot more and the people I work with are way better. I'm really glad this worked out and I hope to be here for a long time.
Around my birthday, we fucking got rid of trumpy, that was a great gift!
I got some sweet video games this year that I've been enjoying. Some are old but still fun.
For Xmas, we dropped presents off at each other's houses and then opened them together in a facebook room. That was certainly interesting!
I have no idea what 2021 will bring, but I'm hoping that it will be a good year.
I'm excited to see if we'll be able to improve our country under the new shitbags we elected. I can't imagine us doing any worse with our handling of coronavirus than what's already been done.
Picture of my favorite person of the year.....every year.
Was hoping for some pictures on that marriage, but guess this'll have to do huh. :) is that... Bernie? With a parrot?! Personal picture?!! You must lead an interesting life these days, or always, little insights we get up in here!
Sounds like last year wasn't all bad at least, but bummer about all those party expenses, and the lack thereof of course. Happy New Year though! Let's make some sensationalism with this one!
Regarding houses it just might be that prices start dropping a bit too, every crisis does some with some opportunity due...
There's really only one picture I actually like from it. Hair salons had been closed for months and my hair was not pretty. The intention was to take actual pictures at our party but that didn't happen....yet.
That is indeed Bernie, with a parrot. But sadly it is not a personal picture. I was supposed to see him twice, but only got to once. And I only got to shake his hand, didn't get to talk with him or anything. I just like to save nice pictures of him because they make me happy lulz.
It really wasn't that bad. It actually wasn't like terribly expensive because the only thing we spent money on so far was the invitations, but it does suck to pick something out and spend money on it just for it to end up being useless.
Ah well! Happy New Year, let's!
That is a good point about the houses.