I'm a bird with a pet Sensationalism.
Go away, batin!
That Dairy State
Joined on 8/27/06
I'm a bird with a pet Sensationalism.
Awww :3
I'm a bird with a pet word.
And you plays teh COD :D
And you are fun to play with! :D
I'm a banana with a pet uranium rock! :3
pet rocks rule!
Smoking weed is not an excuse for shitty jokes.
I not smoke weed for two years, maybe three! And I not joking!
Birds can dance, and they can sing. What more could you ask for in a friend?
Exactly! My bird does the cutest dance! :D
now everybody's heard about the bird...
.. ;)
You name is the most awesome
Posting in this blog.
Blogging in this post.
just ignore them they will go away ;_;
Okay man.
Your gonna be a hit sensation man!
You're gonna be a thanfis! hehehe :P
the regulars forum doesn't exist anymore :(
No forums exist anymore.
i think ure gay
That's cool!
How is your cockatiel doing now that you mention it?
He's doing quite well. I lost one of my parakeets and her cage mate is a little sad. So I let the keet onto my tiel's playpen and at first he was pissed but after talking to him he calmed down and let her chill there. The one keet that is gone now was an aggressive little one so I think he expected the one that's left to do something to him but she's so docile. My tiel is a scaredy cat(thank his dad for those genes bleh) but at least his reaction to being scared is to defend himself.
He spent a couple days in my room for the fun of it then i moved him back out to the bird room. He's being more adventurous with foods which is great because for so long I couldn't get him to eat anything but seeds and carrots. He pretty much wants everyone to share food with him. He's a demanding little spoiled brat but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Hopefully he continues doing good and in a couplefew years I can get him a mate and keep one of his sons.
If you don't remember me then that makes me sad
I remember seeing you on facebook. HecticCircle? Thank Twilight lolol. I never remember the name change but I do certainly remember you!
Well, the good thing now is that your "keet" is happy now. Also, you should watch this <a href="http://www.wimp.com/firstdays/">www.wimp.com/firstdays/</a>
You seem more like a dork who was dropped by a stork.
That sounds about right too lol