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That Dairy State

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Was hoping for some pictures on that marriage, but guess this'll have to do huh. :) is that... Bernie? With a parrot?! Personal picture?!! You must lead an interesting life these days, or always, little insights we get up in here!

Sounds like last year wasn't all bad at least, but bummer about all those party expenses, and the lack thereof of course. Happy New Year though! Let's make some sensationalism with this one!

Regarding houses it just might be that prices start dropping a bit too, every crisis does some with some opportunity due...

There's really only one picture I actually like from it. Hair salons had been closed for months and my hair was not pretty. The intention was to take actual pictures at our party but that didn't happen....yet.

That is indeed Bernie, with a parrot. But sadly it is not a personal picture. I was supposed to see him twice, but only got to once. And I only got to shake his hand, didn't get to talk with him or anything. I just like to save nice pictures of him because they make me happy lulz.

It really wasn't that bad. It actually wasn't like terribly expensive because the only thing we spent money on so far was the invitations, but it does suck to pick something out and spend money on it just for it to end up being useless.
Ah well! Happy New Year, let's!
That is a good point about the houses.

Oh btw CONGRATS on the marriage too! Hope you have the times of your lives and a ton of trees in whatever backyards you manage to buy! :)


Hmm can it really have been that bad? You still had shampoo right? Super curious now. :P Hope for a party like no other when that grand finale finally goes down though; maybe a few visual mementos then!

Ah nice, shaking his hand sounds like a big thing though. :) He looks happy. Real shame he never made it to the throne room for real. Was listening to his Joe Rogan podcast earlier and he seemed like a rare dude. One who really cares. Him or Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang or Kanye West would all have been alright in my book. Way from overseas as I see things. All peeps who might have really stirred up the political landscape in a hopefully good kind of way!

Good to hear! Looking for houses here too actually, or any plot of land, may not have required budget for anything I really want but these crazy days you never know. :) Maybe the dream opportunity presents itself and you're the only potential buyer...

It was really just that my hair was pretty much 2 colors. Right after we got married, I went and dyed my hair purple but the dye kinda sucked so a couple days later I did it again and got a better purple color. But I mainly just did that so my hair would be one color, nothing was opening up anytime soon and there is NO WAY I'm fucking around bleaching my own hair. But anyway, after I dyed it the first time my family dressed up to take more pictures together with all of my siblings there. But those aren't the greatest either because my hair is a dull purple color and my husband refused to dress up lmao.

I hope it's a good party, but it's not going to be like a traditional wedding reception. We're not doing bridesmaids and groomsmen and all that, no music/dancing, bouquet, etc. Mainly just food, cake, and adult beverages, maybe a campfire later on. More informal but still dressy. And yes definitely plan on getting some much better visual mementos!

I was pretty stoked about it, I still get tingly when I think about the fact that I have actually touched him. I forgot all about that podcast, gonna watch it again now. He is rare and genuinely cares deeply. Right now he's fighting his ass off to get us $2000 checks and even a majority of dems are not helping him. I'm glad The Squad came along and then grew and now he's at least got people who not only agree with him but who genuinely like him and won't just stab him in the back for their own gain. He would have done so much good for this country if elected. Not that he doesn't already/won't now. But obviously he would have had a lot more power and support.

I used to be a fan of Tulsi Gabbard, but then she started showing she was all anti-trans and other stupid shit and I lost all respect for her. Andrew Yang's definitely cool and I'm all for a UBI. He was my second pick after Bernie. My third pick was Elizabeth Warren. She's not perfect and she even was a dick to Bernie at one point, but overall she still does what's right most of the time. Kanye West would have been scary considering he has been diagnosed with a mental disorder, has been hospitalized for it, and does really weird things without rational thought behind them. I mean, it certainly would have been interesting and newsworthy. But I'd rather not be living here.

Oh, that is cool! Yeah, it certainly doesn't hurt to look! Maybe we'll both get lucky and find something nice and affordable!

A Bernie supporter with purple hair?? You don't say...

Ha yeah who would've guessed right. My hair's not currently purple though. It's usually blonde. Since I've got a professional job now, I usually color my hair with waxes instead of dyes. Waxes are temporary and wash out with one wash. Still can't get over that desire to have all kinds of different colors!

why do you and @Boss both have Manrod listed as your occupation. Are you guys in a cult or something

Ha, so we do! I didn't remember that at all! I just thought it was funny. Dang, can the three of us be in a cult, @Boss?

@S3C i think maybe we both knew people who did it as an inside joke or something back in the day. I put my occupation as that with @Proottalfain

@S3C @Sensationalism ya!! Totally !!! What fabric should the robes be ???

Aha. :D This is just making me way more curious at this point though! Oh well. I'm sure it wasn't all that bad. Purple sounds nice, even in possibly blander blends.

That sounds awesome. :) Never heard of and/or experienced a wedding campfire before. Jumping over fires in fancy dresses hmm, shadows fluttering, sparks fizzling out in a starry summer sky... probably not a good idea with fire jumps but looks atmospheric in imagination. :P

Ah you saw the podcast too, tuned in because it was him in particular or one you've tuned into otherwise too? Unfortunately it's gone all Spotify exclusive now. Rogan done sold out. Sounds awesome. :) Had no idea he was still actively involved, as you might notice the only glimpses I get on these things are basically off these occasional podcasts. Mainstream media doesn't report anything that really matters. Just a shame Bernie's so old/no longer in the best of health. If he had unlimited election chances and energy I really don't see him not eventually getting chosen!

Ah that sucks. :/ Don't know much about Elizabeth Warren. Regarding Kanye his Rogan podcast was a bit of an eye-opener too. :) Been thinking he just seems kinda crazy but after that I feel like it just might be the good kind of crazy. They spoke about the hospitalization too; it seemed more so that he was just misdiagnosed. But! Who knows! I'm probably getting a skewed picture to. Actually having him lead the country I live in would be a different thing indeed. XD Sorry for rooting slightly for possibly slightly insane leaders on y'all!

Hopes! :)

PERHAPS I can PM you, just don't go leaking my pics lol.

Hahaha. At that point we'll probably be drunk too!

Tuned in because it was him but I've watched a good amount of JRE. I was a little obsessed with Ari Shaffir for a while and those two are friends so he's cool too.

Ah that'd be awesome if you'd like to. :) Confidential material check, can handle as such!

Fire jumps and alcohol sound like an even more intriguing combination! XD

Nice. :) Haven't listened much to Ari yet but I'm slowly digging through the archives there, will probably be getting to plenty of his ones too. Quite the controversial dude lately with Kreischer molly slips and all but does seem entertaining!

thanks for the leaked pics @Cyberdevil

sure is quiet around these parts...

Surely you don't expect a NEW post? lul

a new post, comments, Cyberdevil, or something...

Hey, congrats on the ball and chain! Jk. Glad to hear you're doing well!